She'd been making choices all this time with little options available. The who's and the why's are irrelevant but it was a long and up hill battle. Those who knew her, often said, They didn't care what was in her head but to strangers near and far She parted oceans and walked with charm. Under valued is how she felt. Drained of anything, not even wealth. Always told what to do Like no one trusted what she knew. Her thoughts were scrambled, it took her time She medicated others with her wine It took time, for her to understand, they couldn't see The grander plan. The long term tortoise plodding along. She felt she knew an awful lot put in her place with 'that's not enough' She's doesn't try, she just glides through Oh how I wish they really knew... Everyday a fighting battle so much to overcome How did she look up in those times When her soul was feeling totally bummed! She fought like...