The start of new beginnings

The start of new beginnings!
So very precious and rare,
Think, take your time...
Lay foundation with love and care.

Along the way, you'll discover,
That riches once now turn to dust.
An inner caring of sharing need...
Bless the light that keeps us moving.

Dense tropical luscious life of green 
Entangles by designs of entwined detail,
Working effort naked to the invisible eye,
We loose ourselves in a glass of wine.

When the dawn sun rises bright,
a new day brings fresh clear sight.
Leave behind the past and focus,
Steady breathing as the day springs to life. 

A choir of natures influence,
the sparrows sung with delight.
Excitement transfers to those who stop
to listen calmly without fear or spite.

Downpour of rain for weeks in end,
a cascading falling beauty flows.
Full of might and power fuelled by
clouds of dark heavy sorrowful woe.

 Fear not the mighty warrior
for they are full of light.
Sharing beauty, wisdom, experience 
of what you need to know.

Be brave, be bold, go forth, evolve.
Your universe awaits you.
Have courage and dream 
don't be afraid to be seen. 

The path to light is one ferocious fight,
but one you'll never walk back on.
Find the time to feel Divine
and trust where your instincts will take you.

copyright AranaART


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