Anxiety is no cup of tea!

Anxiety is no cup of tea!

Is an invisible disease...
One that nobody else can see,
It's a dangerous affliction, making one feel like a victim
when all they want to do is be happy living free.

Free from anxiety,
would mean a peaceful morning walk.
free of any demons lurking in the dirt.
At any moment it can strike, I feel safer around dynamite!

Just let me live and let me breath,
That's what I seek and need.
Don't try to help if you don't know how!
Those sort of actions can really bring me down.

I seek truth in a world full of hate and rage
That's hard to deal with everyday.
I ask for help that never comes.
I guess it's too mundane.. People would rather dance in the rain!

Sometimes things just manifest..
Things I'd dealt with and laid to rest.
Often everything seems to be
A deep dark hole, suffocating me.

I'm always walking on the edge, 
Of freedom and choice, or a dark miserable death
But who in life doesn't have similar battles?
I fully aware of my white privilege stature! 
So my personal battles seem like a minor curse.

Maybe that's why its so hard to put myself first.
If I see someone else with greater needs,
I have stop and protect and help them see.
It can be a large expense... Ignoring my intuition letting down my defense.

This is just life and how things naturally roll.
When our one soul goal is achieving it all.
We can't see others, we are blind.
When we stray from natural design, it changes us and blocks our minds.

We all need to stand up independently!
WE ALL need to stand on our own two feet!
Until we admit we are scared and alone...
We can't help other while we are stuck in this drone!

It''s so much easier for me right now.
To keep things simple... and slow things down.
3 weeks! its taken, from the initial onset of the latest travesty 
Anxiety is crippling and brings me down, sucks the life and makes me frown.

People think one day a moment, 
but it lingers around, like an angry serpent.
It takes me a while to fully recover.
I grantee next week could feel like a smother!

I've got as far as I've come taking each day in my stride.
Planning, fills my head with confusing distraction,
Invitations fill me with dread, as I have no idea what will be going on in my head.
I do know for sure, as hard as its been.
I've got this, I can handle it... Just let me do my thing. 

I like to focus on my art, it comforts me and give me hope.
We all have our little things.
Some like surfing, yoga and martial arts...
but not for me, I prefer my art.
I get a chance to breath and fart! (hahaha)

I found sea glass upon the beach,
one day when I was feeling horrible and weak.
For me they stand up catching light and remind me that sometimes there's a fight.
But look back now and see those pictures

It always amazes and astounds me, 
How much beauty and passion arrives with pain.
When your true goal is healing and sharing your light
No darkness can extinguish your internal flame.

That gives me power,
and a Sh*t load of hope!
On dark rainy days, i can still row my boat.
I have navigated my way through such turbulent times.
Nothing scares me now... Only spiders and heights! 


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