
Showing posts from November, 2017

Dream house of light

She had a secret place to be it came to her in her dreams she thought it would be a loss if she didn't try to make it real Following her gut instinct She started gathering her confident for this task would need to be bold and this girl wasn't going to be told To live her life a certain way To follow the norm was not ok She felt the norm was obsolete  She trusted her plan was unique That's all it took, trust in herself A belief that she knew she could that takes faith and internal strength a power greater than the average human She dug down deep and she got way down but still there were many more levels below the ground how interesting she thought with candour The deeper you dig the further you go... She wiped her slate and decided her choice She was going to be fierce but not controlled She had what it took and her instinct was right Now to the dream house in the trees of great light! With no real direction

Passion without cause

Tumbling, falling, lost in space The solace of darkness has awoken her faith When you been down to the depths of despair You change you mind about the things you care The timing of life is no random event Its a fine tuned story with success at the end All through ones life you cook up a tale The more that you live, the less likely you'll fail Pain, struggle and hardships is what makes up strong Anything else is just part of that drone Living is raw, emotional and hard We are also free to choose what we seek Man has gone to a lot of trouble Blinding its people with hard work and nothing The illusion of freedom is easy to test Just try stepping out of the system... life's a mess! We need to break free from the things we once knew we need to get out there not sit around and stew There's always an option, of that she is sure Because no ones looking out for what gives them more Adjust your thinking and do things for you When you seek from w

Zipping through space

Zipping through space Out of the darkness and warm hand reaches out A soothing voice of calmness and hope The nonchalant non judgement is so refreshing to her She suddenly see passion, vision and self worth everywhere The lights all turned on and woke up her soul A deep kind of stirring, so fierce, strong and bold Her feet were not shaky, her mind was alert It was all very clear to her and she could see how hard she'd worked Unruffled by the chemistry dashing through her mind Maybe this time will be different and she won't feel the need to cry She was given time to speak out, she didn't wait her turn she stood up proudly roaring like a queen looking after her heard The passion is coursing through her veins and she truly feels alive Free to fly on her on course all come from her own demise The truth she seek ed was found inside, not travelling place to place Now she feels the abundance that's wildly free on earth You are the cen

Ants in my head

Around and around in my brain My thoughts are running like an out of control train I need to take a moment o breathe THis Hot thick dusty air, is crippling me There comes a moment in every week it's part of a cycle where I can't sleep I toss and turn my mind goes wild as I live through the tourment of incredible power I'm not alone feeling trapped and stifled There's plenty of us fighting for survival Battles are all different and unique but collectively we feel the same A downward spiral in a dark grotty drain Sometimes it gets blocked when there's more rain At times it's clear, uncluttered from fear Who knows what each day will bring? Taking a moment to breathe and relax These precious things are what we lack the ability to hear your voice Calling out and reminding one of choice It's not so easier to break away unleash the true ness and be brave A lot feel they do already But really their stuck in di

Rusty diamonds

She feels lost and alone as she gathers her grace It's a dark place to be and her helpless heart bleeds Nothing has changed its all just the same This is her place and she must accept it. The needed change and action is w hat's stuck on repeat in her head How can she break through this cycle that's seems deeply ingrain in her way Like the defeated old rusty chains She found lying on the beach She put them in cloth and submerged them With sea water from the beach Oh those rusty old chains of desire Are the passion of that she should seek But the bright dazzling lights in front keeps her distracted from her grief She's fearful of so much in this life but has discovered in others, deeper fear She's suddenly thoughtless and unclear How did we all come to here to meet? The effects of those old rusty stains Are shiny and beautiful now Only using recycled items To point out a concern of ours It's seemingly sm

Dancing thoughts

Dancing thoughts A variety of thoughts dancing through her head mind Entirely different perspectives, at each intersection of her life Calm as water, fierce like fire, releasing energy as she goes There is no fear and the adventure's clear, it's time to let things go. The collective positive that is required burns deep down within A passionate globe of molten rock clearing everything that is din The wild beast is pacified and the true in terror has past New found vision, clear and vivid, sparkles into the night The intricate details of her hearts desire was hidden so far away She spent hour debating if it was there, the beginning it was a soft glow As clear the the oceans we wish to believe, it struck her again and again How could she not see it then... only the time passing has made her wise A distinctive sound of silent wonder isn't empty at all What drives this passion that is burning and where can she be when its come? Nothing is wor

Full mind at play

Full mind at play A quiet peaceful inner mind as a story does unfold  extending out into a universe a greater extension of our home Rising at dawn to morning rays immersing one self in the moment Surrounded by a forceful energy of hope and dreams and love Vivid ideas of brilliant colours decorating the natural flow Following a source of energy not planning each step she goes Taking the plunge into self adoration is the selfless act one can do pursuing your inner intentions and dreams walking over the life depleting glue  A wondrous adventure awaits you and your true path is there to be found you needn't look hard to find it It's always abundant and waiting for you In Buddhism there's a teaching there is balance in all that we do some actions are bad but still can be done with a positive attitude and intentions Prepare your mind for living yourself and the rest will all melt into one It's really not as

Encouraged by expressive action

Encouraged by expressive action Caught out during the change of the tide Drawn towards a night time stillness Breathing deeply, calm and patiently  A dream light state within her mind, ready to be free Exploring the endless beauty of a void of all well known Discovering the simplicity and the power of nature alone Un shaken by the sets of waves, crashing on her shore It will not stay like this for long. A dashing trip of time The finest gifts are out there for us all to seek as one Until will get connected we are failing everyone Interpretation will mean something different to each and everyone Time to rise against it all and sing your hearts true song Trapped among the debris and chaos of troubled internal souls Clouded by a dark reality feeling injustice all around It time to raise your head up high and let your heart have passion All the while you give free gifts, uplifting freestyle living Time for rest, I;m weary now... I sha

Lost among the autumn leaves

Lost among the Autumn leaves She found it hard to seek her vision Nor a patient mind with any ease Her heart kept racing every moment Coming on like a sudden sneeze The depth within was a long way down of that she has no fear So why does she feel these hot full tears steaming like a magical river of hope Her courage stays with her everyday As time keeps dancing along Afraid of what lurks in the shadows Terrified of the monster within She playfully dances unashamed of the awful poison named glaring An abundance of turmoil and confusion There's got to be more than this How long will she commit to this fight can she surrender to the light of the ying? Understanding her yang is the balance that's needed How colourful this glorious life is to win Taking time to clear my mind I just worked with chalk, ink on paper An idea forming, of delightful adorning There's no end to this life we are in Our mind is the mos