Ants in my head

Around and around in my brain
My thoughts are running like an out of control train
I need to take a moment o breathe
THis Hot thick dusty air, is crippling me

There comes a moment in every week
it's part of a cycle where I can't sleep
I toss and turn my mind goes wild
as I live through the tourment of incredible power

I'm not alone feeling trapped and stifled
There's plenty of us fighting for survival
Battles are all different and unique
but collectively we feel the same

A downward spiral in a dark grotty drain
Sometimes it gets blocked when there's more rain
At times it's clear, uncluttered from fear
Who knows what each day will bring?

Taking a moment to breathe and relax
These precious things are what we lack
the ability to hear your voice
Calling out and reminding one of choice

It's not so easier to break away
unleash the true ness and be brave
A lot feel they do already
But really their stuck in dining heaven

This planet is giant and filled with people
A resource of love and a kindness steeple
What are you afraid of? Afraid to love?
Don't be afraid, it creates more fuss!

A brave person who's confident
is rich with compassion, empathy and thrust
They will not let the small things matter
their eye's are focus on a different pattern

Truth and kindness, generosity of heart
That's the best place to begin with this task
put down that phone while you go through this process
discover yourself and your unbound less beauty

In this place, you will truly be free
but you must remember only you posses that key
You need to step up and take control
Be true to yourself and the rest will unfold

The beauty around us is there every day
Wake up at dawn and choose your own way
You have the power to control your own life
why let others denie you that right?


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