Full mind at play

Full mind at play

A quiet peaceful inner mind
as a story does unfold 
extending out into a universe
a greater extension of our home

Rising at dawn to morning rays
immersing one self in the moment
Surrounded by a forceful energy
of hope and dreams and love

Vivid ideas of brilliant colours
decorating the natural flow
Following a source of energy
not planning each step she goes

Taking the plunge into self adoration
is the selfless act one can do
pursuing your inner intentions and dreams
walking over the life depleting glue 

A wondrous adventure awaits you
and your true path is there to be found
you needn't look hard to find it
It's always abundant and waiting for you

In Buddhism there's a teaching
there is balance in all that we do
some actions are bad but still can be done
with a positive attitude and intentions

Prepare your mind for living yourself
and the rest will all melt into one
It's really not as hard as you think
just a willingness to all come undone

In life we are told if we work hard
we will surely achieve all those goals
God didn't say that with companies in mind
That idea is for her and for you

We need to think deep and discover our thing
and pursue it with a mighty attitude
Trapped is a feeling that everyone one has
it's just different opinions of confinement

It's not just you, who is feeling blue
there's a collection out there feeling expired
Rise up today with courage and grace
Walk forward and don't be afraid

Tomorrow will renew in the early morning dew
of that we can all finally agree
in one foul swoop, you can fly your coup
and live exactly how you want the world to be

In a magical moment
so tranquil and sweet
the image appeared
and I started with feet

out of the fire
she bowed then she rose
untouched by the flames
reborn with the know

the world just got smaller
as fear melts away
keeping this focus
will drain, clear and stay...

Thank you for reading x
Come back soon

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