Rust in time

Everything is in motion
The liquidity of pure emotion
Determined by a dream like state
As we explore outer notions.

Peace of mind is what one seeks
however simple that may seem
to some it is a difficult task
Un leashing feelings from the past

Staring down a truthful barrel
Suddenly you feel those shadows
Pushing you to accept yourself
At last you find some peace of mind

It's not for anyone to judge
Because no one really knows enough
Deep within our guarded hearts
Rusted shut through lack of trust

There is sorrow and there is pain
but there's also vanity and fame
Fake news and questionable values
Where can one turn to seek their morals

Round and round they all seem to go
Trapped in purgatory but they can't know
It's here on earth that's is the main show!
Just have faith in the true Divine

No one left you here to rot
We all have our missions & we're part of the plot
Trust your instinct and look within
For there is where the beauty is

So many seem to think they are privileged
lost in a day dream that is contorted
to fit with lies and keep you dumb
How many more of us will troll and scrum?

In the end you are all you've got!
So pick yourself up and forget about the rot
Breath in deep and reach for the sky
Very soon you will know how to fly

This art in on fabric.. 
and is only half the way there...
It's maybe an eye
filled with clouds of despair 

But who knows what will happen
and where it might go
after I send it across seas 
to be sewn!

A delicate piece
with lots of attention and thought
as I fade away
into a colourful could of dawn


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