wind of change

Sadness is consuming me and I'm starting to feel down
another connection I discovered is making my heart frown
Pressures of different natures, are surrounding me with force
They are ganging up and all i need is to hear a friendly voice

Life is moving to quickly, every one is rushing around
Too busy in their own minds, of that I have no doubt
My words are getting out there, they just aren't being heard
Come on people, get a grip! You are all starting to look absurd!

A sudden wind direction change has freed my mind to move
Inspired by my own persistence I can put and end, to all this doom
Creating my way forward has been a challenge and a half
But its one I value every minuet, it lifts me out of the dark.

It's hard to explain how things can just stop my brain
But its no real cause for concern, I move forward with restraint.
Gathering momentum from the positivity of life.
Talking a walk out in the sun. Brings me joy and pure delight.

Taking time to think things through...
While I make my art.
Define myself, I can not do!
I just draw and make and create...


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