A darkness creeping

Feeling my way through the dark,
This is all new territory for me
I've never been quite so proud
Of discovering what it's like to be free

I watch the passers by drone past
In their massive funeral processions.
Blinding light and blinkers on
They only seek to complete their mission

A lot of people out their can't see past their nose.
Always taking on social challenges
Just to feed their empty ego's
Money doesn't matter, get over it I say!

Wake up world and see the light
for now you are the rain clouds
Pouring down on other people
That are different from yourself

Falling into a sea of indifference
Causing mental disease and hate
I fail to understand why anyone can
fall asleep at night

If I don't do something grand right now!
That's 2 generations who neglect!
Oh what a danger, we all have become
causing destruction to our Earth

Greedy minds just hunger for
a chance to build self worth
the rest of them just worship
And follow along like sheep!

Be proud be free, to stand alone
For there's nobility in restraint 
We are here for something greater
Ourselves and all around us.

For me its really quite simple,
Let go of all that crap!
Life feels free with out TV and 
the influence of the media.

I believe there were some beings
Who visited from outer space
Their message was clear and simple
DO good, stop all this HATE!

We don't need war that's proven!
We just need to erase the hate!
People, we have so much power!
BUT... we need to change our stakes!

I drew this picture years ago
after reading about Myanmar
Today I look out at the news
and see its still a troubled region.

Thousands of Rohingya Muslims
are fleeing for their lives
new born babies travel across the ocean
just to get a chance to survive!

I wish I had loads of money
and an island of my own,
I'd take them in and feed the masses
Shaming rich people around the world...
They say they keep it for the day
The rain will come for them..
Open your eye's and look around
That day is here, NOW SPEND!

I hope that Bangladesh can see
that taking all these people,
Will bring positive change to their country 
They will be seen as being reasonable...

I am certain there's loads of money
all horded by the rich


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