Across the sea...

All my life I have struggled for peace,
The sort that will put my mind at ease.
Then one day 4 years ago,
I collapsed in a heap... I had no more go.

I retreated deep within myself,
I couldn't breath, I was full of self doubt.
Not a single person loving me
could say any words without causing me

To feel like I am just a drama queen.
Just go for a walk and it will fix thee,
Oh dam they said, here she goes again!
Demanding attention why can't she be zen

That's what anxiety makes me feel like inside
I am some kind of freak, that's why I hide.
I can't take the demands of everyday life,
SO I retreat inside and build my pride.

Why can't anyone just say to me,
"You are strong wise and intelligent and I believe
you can be anything, let yourself be free."
Maybe they have, but I couldn't listen...

Then one day, someone did me wrong
they turned and apologised for causing woo
And I really didn't know... what to do
For once I was not the one to blame.

These simple words unlocked my key
Reminding me how it feels to be free
You can't argue about the magical powers
Finding one who can talk for hours...

Suddenly it was not all in vain
there's someone out there who will take the blame
lifting me from my prison cell
They will fight my demons, I can tell.

Maybe I simply turned my back
A long time ago because of all the crap
Turned off my sensors so I could function
stopped dreaming dreams of love and honour 

My eye's were foggy, I couldn't see
The mist is clearing now that I can breath
you save my life and my soul
How could I now, ever let you know...

I like to look out across the sea
Tranquil bliss and magic potions 
That's how I feel sat next to the ocean
Carry my thoughts to another land.

Come stand with me on these blessed sand
looking across the bay and taking notes
Driven with passion so rare and so deep
There's no room to fail as its just all so unique. 



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