Anxiety doesn't define me...

I struggle with anxiety,
I'm not ashamed to say.
I'm just tired of explaining
It can just bring on more pain.

It's easier, just for now
to hide away and think.
Control my thoughts and focus on
A better way to sync.

It's not that I can't manage
or even that I'm damaged
It's all about figuring a way
to break from this horrid bondage.

It doesn't feel like I need to reach out,
it feels better when I seek within.
Considering new perspectives
And beginning the art again.

I'm suppose to find the words to say
exactly what I'm thinking
But in my head there are no words
Just images with deeper meaning.

Art is a way to get it out.
Transform my inner feelings
I can't explain on this day
ask me again 5 years in the future.

The kind of support I need right now
is just to feel safe and normal
My conversations can carry on
When I talk to the right person.

People like to help and say
just go out, its a sunny day
but its not really going to help
when the rain is pouring in my heart

Getting on with it, deprives my breath
I need to take a break and think on it
I have no intention to stay this way
Just let me rest, It'll be OK.

To the one who makes me breath
You make me feel like I'll succeed
FOr that I can't stop counting blessings
One day soon, we'll get our message.

FOr now its time to do some art,
To clear my head for a brand new start
I need to focus on the moment
so in the future... I can OWN IT ;)

Oh can't you see, the art in me
Has been shouting out all along
I need to break the chains of rust
so I'll be free to move along.

It's not always easy, to explain ones feelings
When the head races a mile a minuet.
the emotions are raw I can get out paint
I can draw, write or create

Its the medicine I need and how it's going to be
as i rise above the challenges
determined to succeed.
Positive and hopeful thoughts set my heart on fire.


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