A wobbly moment resolved with calm thinking

Right before the break of day...
my mind has been busy for hours
I've had no rest, no sleep tonight
And I'm starting to loose all my power

My energy levels decline over night
As I wandered about in vain
Trying to rest and ease my thinking
it's to noisy and its overwhelming

It's time for some rest as I can't stay awake
I feel disoriented and quite uneasy
I need to relax but its so hard to do
one continuous cycle of beeping

Arising after a few hours of 'kip'
My sensors are on fire
I want to explain that when there's rain
I can see the sun shining behind that clouds

Imagine being in a room and hearing others thoughts
I see reactions and body language 
It makes people like open books
A terrifically heavy overload of information I don't want.

It's a gift being able to see
but I can't unsee what is in the past
It's etched into my mind with great clarity
And can bring back emotions that once bothered me

Imagine going through a traumatic event
every time someone speaks it makes you feel weak
Its a chain of words I've heard before
Repeated through time with no re course.

Sometimes my life feels like a broken record
playing over and over again
Then one day I had the courage to say
ENOUGH! I can't take this anymore!

But it's only me, who's frustrated you see
and everyone tells me to be quiet
And quiet I remained until the day
I could take not a second more of it!

On a peaceful day, I can explain
through pictures of my adventures
when my mind is clear, I have no fear
I can see the beauty in life 


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