Embracing darkness, owning pain

It's awful being stuck in darkness, no one can feel your pain
A foreign type of feeling, disconnecting from your logical brain
You loose all hope and sense of purpose, nothing lifts you up
Walking through each day of madness, is hard and incredibly tough

The angels wait and keep you safe, while everyone passes you by
All it takes is a leap of faith, which feels impossible to find
You little voice, deep inside has been silent for far too ling
You have become disconnected and you wonder how this all went wrong

Confusion plagues the blackness, your mind feels incredibly weak
There's too much going on inside to listen, to what others speak
Every negative past encounter, tortures, with intently deceit 
A physical feeling of mass destruction, torn apart by cruel repeat

There's always voices telling you stuff, they couldn't possibly understand
How could they know? They never listened, its why you feel so bland
The 'theory' is, it's 'on your head' but that's so far from the truth
Your pain and hurt is real my friend, never underestimate your worth
Only you can change things now, you have all the power

We're told one person, can't make a difference, by those who can't do for themselves
Tied up, angry, sad and lonely the leap of faith awaits. Jump with both feet now!
A tiny seed of positive hope is all you need right now, you are stronger than you believe
You are a beautiful soul be proud

I haven't written in quiet some time..
There's been changes going on around me
I needed a little space and time
but now I see quite clearly

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