
Embracing darkness, owning pain

It's awful being stuck in darkness, no one can feel your pain A foreign type of feeling, disconnecting from your logical brain You loose all hope and sense of purpose, nothing lifts you up Walking through each day of madness, is hard and incredibly tough The angels wait and keep you safe, while everyone passes you by All it takes is a leap of faith, which feels impossible to find You little voice, deep inside has been silent for far too ling You have become disconnected and you wonder how this all went wrong Confusion plagues the blackness, your mind feels incredibly weak There's too much going on inside to listen, to what others speak Every negative past encounter, tortures, with intently deceit  A physical feeling of mass destruction, torn apart by cruel repeat There's always voices telling you stuff, they couldn't possibly understand How could they know? They never listened, its why you feel so bland The 'theory' is, it'

Inner reflections and cycles unbroken

Stories passed down through life Old traditions travelling through time Irrelevant tales of the past? Cries of warning ceasing to warn... The rich always taking from the poor People enslaved, savages at war The cycle of madness continues to drone Wake up, it's only a few destroying the earth God's not to blame for the tragedies of man That's just a cop out, to blame not grand We all have a choice, which do you choose God might be the devil if you read it all wrong It's not what you have, though we do need a bit It's about the intent of your thoughts and what's next Progressing as one brings on happiness and joy The negativity's at bay and we all can succeed  Privilege is thick and it flows all around Don't be discouraged, it's not what it's about The instant society that we live in today Has overloaded our systems and there needs to be change Where's the harm in confrontation I ask? Can'

sea of green

When you immerse yourself in colours they all become one you can't see the differences a whole new world of fun I never wanted "no boarders" that concept terrified me would all our beautiful cultures all get lost in a business sea of money! Everywhere I look  I see concepts over taken driven by a business power not a conscious awakening What's the point in making change if that change brings nothing new? We must start to consider the greater good A vast collective view The world is made up of so many people we need to re think our game! Do you have enough already? Or are you chasing a money dream? It's hard for those with basic intentions to survive on what they need all these money grabbers around its difficult to breath Living away from a city has been an adjustment for me lifestyle change and slowing down is something I desperately need But its not just me, I look around and see peoples wo

Too much noise!

Right now my heart is yearning for a quieter time of day The constant source of noise, feels like it's blocking my child Random thoughts expressed out loud are filling up my head I can't quite get a clear line in with all that's being said A useless bunch of information is taking over my mind I feel less focused and my concentration is not wandering in Divine I suddenly feel imprisoned in a crowded mind of thought The feeling roaring up inside are starting to effect my work Where must I go, what must I seek to keep myself in check I'm exhausted keeping up with me, my mind is starting to choke A bulky kind of misleading pattern has entered in my mind My inner calm is screaming now as I toil away in the deadly hours Persistence and a driving ray is trying to find my way I'm surrounded in the darkness of whatever came was thrown my way Sinking quickly in the sand of shame and total dis array Did i miss my foot stepping into a pile o

romance with nature

Broken shattered on the floor a million pieces, what's a few more? A fierce sledge hammer to the gut, everything just pours out YUCK! Ever stuck in symphony of destructive motions rotating at speed No more time waste on that, abilities are springing back Into a new exciting place of hope and dreams with masterful taste a combination of life long lessons, reaching out and touching heaven blessed will be the faithful ones, believing in those even undone Memorised by internal balance, proportions seem to twist so callous  A dreaded ringing in the ears, through the silence it never tears plodding along with might, heart and courage. Roaring in the face of challenge Fear not for everyone has their time, bountiful wonder of mass design Cast away distraction from truth, ending remorseful, dangerous loops The cycle only works untouched, undisturbed by dreams of lust Resourceful thinking at ferocious speed, always engaging with those in need A plentiful he

galaxy of complexity

Surviving through the darkness and seeing a bright sharp light Drawn to the beam of light like a moth towards a naked flame Hidden but the view remains protecting from the storm Discovering an opening of which thou might just dive Mesmerised by the natural force of awaking inside Opening up the curtains and clearing dust from lost in time A new beginning of great proportions invested time will tell For now the mind explores with thought and contemplation drones Straight up an enormous door awaits and always is right there To open it and discover the passion is truly something quite rare An unrelenting feeling and notion you just can't walk on past Rise above the fear of pain and tragedy that never happens Those who seek to free themselves are in for a fantasy of perfection As dreams become reality your mind feels lost at sea Right there is where the new lands found awaiting for the free Be bold and live your hearts real truth of that you'll

Fiery coral

The dragon lay sleeping alone in it's den but the fire was stirring deep down inside Dancing in the clear cloudless blue sky Free from the boundaries that usually apply The elegant phoenix rose up from the smoke weak at first as she grasp onto hope She saw the great coral down in the ocean and wept for a moment thinking everything is broken The world turned to ice and in that very moment the sleeping dragon awoke scared and frozen the fire grew much stronger as the warmth corresponded  one fiery breath in the right precise moment... The warmth filled the air and everything a new life growing everywhere and great fields of dew Insects are thieving in this beautiful place natures uniting and beginning to take hold Rise up like the phoenix and listen to within it's not hard to hear it, that guidance within books can't be judged by their covers alone nor can us people because of where we're from Brilliant vivid coral grows