Inner reflections and cycles unbroken

Stories passed down through life
Old traditions travelling through time
Irrelevant tales of the past?
Cries of warning ceasing to warn...

The rich always taking from the poor
People enslaved, savages at war
The cycle of madness continues to drone
Wake up, it's only a few destroying the earth

God's not to blame for the tragedies of man
That's just a cop out, to blame not grand
We all have a choice, which do you choose
God might be the devil if you read it all wrong

It's not what you have, though we do need a bit
It's about the intent of your thoughts and what's next
Progressing as one brings on happiness and joy
The negativity's at bay and we all can succeed 

Privilege is thick and it flows all around
Don't be discouraged, it's not what it's about
The instant society that we live in today
Has overloaded our systems and there needs to be change

Where's the harm in confrontation I ask?
Can't we address things and improve on what's past?
If we can't address the hard truths in life
How can we get anywhere if there's no room for flight...

Humans are not evil, it's sad to think that!
We learn from perspective, it's hard to adapt
Less judgement. more caring give kindness away
Will heal many souls not lead us astray

Thank you for listening to my poetic rant
It's not about hate, it's love, that is that!
We live and we learn, we dream every night
"Be the change in the world, that is needed today!"

Be the change you want in the world


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