romance with nature

Broken shattered on the floor a million pieces, what's a few more?
A fierce sledge hammer to the gut, everything just pours out YUCK!
Ever stuck in symphony of destructive motions rotating at speed
No more time waste on that, abilities are springing back

Into a new exciting place of hope and dreams with masterful taste
a combination of life long lessons, reaching out and touching heaven
blessed will be the faithful ones, believing in those even undone
Memorised by internal balance, proportions seem to twist so callous 

A dreaded ringing in the ears, through the silence it never tears
plodding along with might, heart and courage. Roaring in the face of challenge
Fear not for everyone has their time, bountiful wonder of mass design
Cast away distraction from truth, ending remorseful, dangerous loops

The cycle only works untouched, undisturbed by dreams of lust
Resourceful thinking at ferocious speed, always engaging with those in need
A plentiful heart of trust given freely and kindness gifted even to the greedy
Cast all judgement to the side, you never know what will hurt ones pride

Don't assume a thing at all just live presently and the rest will fall
into a random sequence of beauty, melting nature growing within
Doubt subsides and true paths shine, resistance is futile this is the future
The dance that has been prepared from the beginning of time

A romantic idea of colourful explosion
A growing impulse of mass devotion
The people fell in love with their nature
Worshipping ideas that are greater


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