No to the Plastic 2018!

Be BOLD for the coral and hear her sad cries
Alive today but soon destined to die...
Alone in the ocean as the plastic takes over
a great giant sea plague of massive proportions

@018 is the the international year of the reef
Don't shrug your shoulders and think you are weak
we all make a difference and collectively we can
Rid this earth of this horrible irreversible pollution plan

Be mindful and considerate about the plastic you buy
is it needed? or just a death trap of trashy lies
It's killing our oceans just google and see! A devastating blow to humanity!
Eradicate plastic, where ever you can, together we rise kindness expands

Just notice uncountable plastic thrashed down our own throats
we need to take action with serious visionary hope
The Internet connects us, resist zombified temptations
discover and connect with the one we fight for, nature!

The colourless coral is dead can't you see? Open your heart
Live mindfully and free...
Do what you can and it will catch on from there...
No bullying tackles, just a world full of people who care :) 

A tribute to coral 
the beauty we see
our eye's opened wide
as we discover thee


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