a late morning...

The coral sings out in the seas
bringing beauty to its knees
A sudden rise in temperature
The reef has nowhere to go

What about all that plastic?
Forming islands in the pacific
It's a devastating sight to see
how we've stained humanity

I look about and see with eye's
I smell the air and touch the sky
and then I think inside my head
about the kind of people who would leave this mess

Things where programed and laid out on display
choosing options to suit a carefree day
maybe it's the smaller things
that matter more than material things

Of course it's not where we've been lead
Those politicians have rocks in their heads
totally lost in their cause ignoring those at the door
why waste time on the negative...

Positivity is the focus, perspective comes in waves
Riding up the face of nature, ripping it as you shred
Temptations from that angry voice is not who we are
it's greater if we just look in and focus on the stars

So just a little kind voice saying over and over again
do you need that straw or plastic, probably not I say
it only takes some simple actions
to make a greener day

inspired by the blue green blends
and pink infused with orange
sometimes things do seem
but time brings only knowledge



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