
Showing posts from 2017

2018 is going to be great!

My path was for me to create that wasn't made clear to me wandering around in a long lost past when I should have been more focused on me Someone told me that Buddha says you must put your whole self first unaware of all the discontent  had been brewing inside my head Space and time was my friend isolation made me stronger Forgetting the cares and worries of others made me hear my quiet tears sing! All the guidance I ran to seek was deep inside of me Listening to my tears... things started to become clear I'd been putting the star of my now show in a backseat behind closed doors It's a strange feeling with new people I meet they recharge and make me feel new but is it them or just my perspective that has shifted because of intentional spew The worst place you will feel lost is  in your mind  the abyss of unexplored chartered domain others will tell you to keep up the fight but I would advise you to restrain A figh


inSpired but repetitive patterns submerged beneath the surface that no body heard reaching along the moss covered ground extreme flashes of colour shine all around in the darkness of night silence so soothing the thoughts run so clear with a vivid sharp tinge as time stands so still with a comforting warmth deep down inside its starting to morph A bright silky image glowing deep shadowy shades has the tide starts to change with a gusty flow The grey clouds are dancing across the night sky As the birds are still resting, she feels alive Like a bolt of electricity springing into wild life the calm easy stream was gushing with mo into the deepness the warmth turned to heat Expressions of power as the evening moon rose As the fire burned fiercely and the earth began to move the wild animals ran for the safety of home and the invisible mountains all grew with delight as the fire cast shadows tango and shows

mind tricks

Deception as our mind plays tricks and turns things inside out while walking along the dangerous ledge your heart beats in your throat Twisted turning through the mind the self judgement is absurd Deep down beneath the stormy seas tranquillity begins  Ever determined to keep on running keeping up with those around but secretly you want your peace as you surround yourself in nature The magic energy soon transforms into your very soul Lifting up huge tonnes of force and bringing a brighter new dawn Mystery is all around but we think it's all been worked out How naive can you be if you can't see this through the drone Waste and consumption is taking it's toll as we succumb to darkness free you mind from controlling thoughts and give up your temptations Be mindful about what you need there's enough for all to share don't think that you don't count, you do you are special and rare Every single one of us can fill ourselves with power

time drifting

Among the confusion plaguing her mind The dark voices chimed in one at a time She didn't reach out because she was afraid To proud to admit that things are tough today Like a ship on the horizon, passing at night She hides away from dull stormy rain Moving forward but stuck in this moment Letting go of the past and all that had happened Blessed she now feels with a chapter complete A lightness in step as she curiously seeks She's ready to move forward but not quite sure how Another leap of faith? as she gathers her power Inner reflection and thoughts of the new welcoming challenge and ready to fly The on coming year will appear in fire New beginnings she seeks, adventures galore The drone of the past can stay where it is like a poisonous snake with an angry hiss Good bye to once was, its time to step out All the fear turns to courage in the final hour 2018 is the International year of the reef Protect, love compassion a b

clear thoughts

The page was untouched white and empty A kind of creative fear was forming each stroke a simple task the brain over thinking and complicating things... Remembering it's just a page one that's not invented yet Anything can be created There's no need for intimidation or regret Which each line drawn a new direction fluidity at its finest readjusting and stepping in Makes life just so much more exciting Stagnant ways of the past  are redundant and obsolete Connectivity is in our souls not a fancy gadget we struggle to compete The loneliness is not as thought you can feel complete just on your own the horror resides inside a room full of emptiness and drone Thoughtful ways and meaningful actions makes any ones heart free to sing Just tap into your abundant energy and a creator you will become

Stars are forming

It's starts of like a simple thought that grows in the imagination The first steps feel impossible That's a mere illusion in ones mind Walking forward with intent The the rain falls from the sky it's journey will not end right there and neither should it be Given the vast void we float in As we struggle to break free Tortured minds imprisoned souls Clawing at the edge of reality I fine walk down a line the balance is hard to keep one wrong step and you will find you are running on water without feet How to express when words are silent Is there are great vat of vastness Just bubbling below the surface? Afraid to step, talk or breathe The truth resides within us all There's nothing to be afraid to face The comfort when you breathe out with another heart breaking moment The time that's past is only that its what you carry today Sometimes just a change of action dramatically alters everything...

Rattled in mind

Rain in the darkness feels cool, fearful and hard the black rain strains us to distraction but the light is never far Sometimes hope rains in it's place and often from time to time you feel a twinkle and sparkle of hope as you enter into the divine The endless beauty of your minds sleep is passioned confused for hours focusing on the seeking of things has been droning on for several hours That's spark of hope is deep inside you won't find it anywhere else looking out for new adventures will spoil heads and make them roll Breathe for a moment and hear your sounds The ones that make you tick Follow the rhythm of your own beat and big strides with little feet The after shocks are shaking the ground minds thoughts are not connected A giant ball of furious fire descends causing unrest from within 

a flicker of light

It's hard when your eye's can see so much and your mind is open to the new How can people hear you sing when  deafness plagues the crowd We all tuned into different frequencies Hearing different points of view Suddenly the thought of god Became something man made and new So much hate and lost distraction Causes so many to feel pain To rise above the consuming fear Can be hard for those who are sane Stuck going round and round in circles waiting for a switch to flick How temptation distracts us all In everything we seek. The festive season upon us is causing many to strain To feel that they are not good enough No escaping this time from strain A cup of tea the warm sun shine a shadow on ones face can bring the rain around Have no fear you'll make it that's clear keeping taking those wee steps forward

melting into art

The beautiful heart with a mind full of passion Stepped out into the sunshine of warmth confused by the light clear blue drowning the sky the infinity was standing right there... The flutter of wings and twittering tweets A morning bird sits in the view Timidly bold as it moves with great caution Making no assumptions that could lead to it's fate The mindful reflection of simpler things Is competing right now for attention The details do count each on their own It's important for an empath to consider The heart that is worn on the sleeve is still raw It's just taking its time to consider one final swoop has created what feels like  an eternity of decay of ones self We learn from the past and adjust for the future it's the wisdom emerging in full force Setting ones thoughts to adjust with the storm can be a difficult pattern to break She's almost there, its coursing everywhere! she looks all around and its there

coming together

Her mind feels strangely calm right now As her eyes seeing through to truth How blessed she feels, inner peace dawning Of this shes certain and she has no fear It's a magical feeling not a bolt of light a warm flame glows in the dead of night A cosy beam from the candle light Unleashing an energy that's dancing with delight Captivated by this life adventure, fearless and free Connected with that energy a wondrous ray of conscious  Her brain waltz's though a theatrical production As she ponders crating some new, that's even more Divine The caterpillar staggers through a first transition stage The cocoon is dark and dreary dragging through a difficult phase with determination this process goes on with faith in the unknown Knowing it's time to change it all equality across the board... The butterfly is emerging from a place that was safe and calm Protected by her inner thoughts of transformation raw The signs are lighting up

Simple beauty

The morning light of dawn creates a special kind of warm embrace it opens up your mind and thought to positive currents of natures course Don't be afraid to face the day Rise up above, come what may its a magical kind of thing to see the hope in everything The beauty in the simple things is all it takes for a win don't think to much just enjoy be grateful of the wondrous toy Each has their own discoveries that hope resides in all that wonder treasures given in abundance and raise your eyes up to the sky Passion is the driving force a helping hand in times of discourse  don't give in, your path remains a special kind of holiday The dragon here was just a start of a fantastic journey in my heart maybe I should quit my worry seek more truth and heart filled patients Watch out for those special ones the people who make your world more fun They are rare but all around enjoy the day and be proud. The moon

Tree of life and mother nature

Don't let those voices in your head distract because of what was said dig down deep and summon courage only you can seek that power drifting off in mindless wander fearlessly embracing the darkest hour tranquillity lives deep within seek and your heart will let you in The driving force of natural wonder anticipation of glorious thunder sharp bright sparks flash in the sky a cleansing downpour mystify How gracefully she stepped out side to really know she could survive connecting with that magic power her beauty grew every hour The plastic falseness in existence made her feel that she wasn't accepted she knew it was rubbish and untrue so she's seeking a path that great and new The natural wonder in mother nature inspires the soul in singing spacious  beauty all around to see look up and you will walk through trees be mindful and never waver you are better when you dance in nature a blessing for you everyday g

The hurtful word

She feels sad and wonders why no body seems to want her to fly the hurtful words of someone new Why is she constantly needing to prove.. It's not so nice hearing constant judgement She'd like to think that she is nice once in her head they do not leave those hurtful words take over with greed A narcissist is what she heard she cannot escape this it's so absurd  why does one word cripple her mind Brings her down from way up high Why do they insist in stealing her light can't find their own in the dead of night? How can she stop these dark intrusions  one bad word and she looses her focus She's taken a beating in her own mind over and over from the beginning of time She tries to resist with all her might but she's now sleepless in the dead of night I guess she shouldn't complain too much this poem has lifted her out of the dust It's got things going in her mind She's fired up and ready to design.

Sea glass of hope

Caught in a stormy sea of depression my vision was deeply effected My mind didn't know, how to respond to the absurd ways of things all around me I could no long walk down the path I was on the sadness grew deep every day Nothing or no one could save me from it I had to take time on my own I was advised to continue and just pop these pills So i did and they robbed all my pleasure Embracing the pain not covering it up Was the path I choose to recover I was an empty vessel with nothing to give but everyone kept cheering me on The doctor high fived me when I ignored his advice and he cried with delight at my strength  He said being a doctor is hard and cruel but once and a while he sees good I inspired him that day as I thanked him so deeply He realised he was doing the right things He told me to fight and never give up and to not listen to those all around he advised I'd be fine if I cleared out my mind and focused on what

Dream house of light

She had a secret place to be it came to her in her dreams she thought it would be a loss if she didn't try to make it real Following her gut instinct She started gathering her confident for this task would need to be bold and this girl wasn't going to be told To live her life a certain way To follow the norm was not ok She felt the norm was obsolete  She trusted her plan was unique That's all it took, trust in herself A belief that she knew she could that takes faith and internal strength a power greater than the average human She dug down deep and she got way down but still there were many more levels below the ground how interesting she thought with candour The deeper you dig the further you go... She wiped her slate and decided her choice She was going to be fierce but not controlled She had what it took and her instinct was right Now to the dream house in the trees of great light! With no real direction

Passion without cause

Tumbling, falling, lost in space The solace of darkness has awoken her faith When you been down to the depths of despair You change you mind about the things you care The timing of life is no random event Its a fine tuned story with success at the end All through ones life you cook up a tale The more that you live, the less likely you'll fail Pain, struggle and hardships is what makes up strong Anything else is just part of that drone Living is raw, emotional and hard We are also free to choose what we seek Man has gone to a lot of trouble Blinding its people with hard work and nothing The illusion of freedom is easy to test Just try stepping out of the system... life's a mess! We need to break free from the things we once knew we need to get out there not sit around and stew There's always an option, of that she is sure Because no ones looking out for what gives them more Adjust your thinking and do things for you When you seek from w