melting into art

The beautiful heart with a mind full of passion
Stepped out into the sunshine of warmth
confused by the light clear blue drowning the sky
the infinity was standing right there...

The flutter of wings and twittering tweets
A morning bird sits in the view
Timidly bold as it moves with great caution
Making no assumptions that could lead to it's fate

The mindful reflection of simpler things
Is competing right now for attention
The details do count each on their own
It's important for an empath to consider

The heart that is worn on the sleeve is still raw
It's just taking its time to consider
one final swoop has created what feels like 
an eternity of decay of ones self

We learn from the past and adjust for the future
it's the wisdom emerging in full force
Setting ones thoughts to adjust with the storm
can be a difficult pattern to break

She's almost there, its coursing everywhere!
she looks all around and its there
scared of the force but also amazed
Let go and connect to it's power...

Everything depends on your faith and your views
and believing in things that aren't there
Once the fear dissipates and courage replaced All this will just be a rear view. 

My first solo art exhibition
100% courage


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