
Showing posts from October, 2017

The angry child

I feel like I'm being punished for the choices I have made I just don't get it, I cleared my shit, so I could enjoy more But instead, I'm burdened with your stress and pain The only thing that clears my head is brightness all around If I can must up that light then surely you are letting me down With all my might I can carry myself but it's others breaking my back without support and active listening I feel like I don't exist Why should when I feel dammed because I didn't have any kids I haven't felt I've had an awful lot of choice with things but I use what I can and I try my best, nothing really gets seen I'm broken and I at least expected, to feel a bit more than this Empty vessels float around but they can't really see A massive collective let down, that's what I fight each day Looking for an ounce of sympathy, it's never coming my way. I hate that voice of sympathy because its doesn't work a f

addressing fear

Way back in time she felt frustrated anger, sadness and lost destination Miles ahead to those round her Trapped inside endless scratching A leap of faith turned bad too soon Broken mirrors and jagged glass One moment to escape it all when suddenly something happened She was so confused things changed perspective a mirage of a something that would vanish A dense and clear moment in time Etched to clearly in her mind She started to put on lots of layers determined  to hide from all her failures Caught up in mass confusion  What was true and what was distraction She understands that deep down its true but she's really not to sure what to do She didn't trust herself before But now she does, shes afraid to fall Being frightened isn't her calling an unusual feeling and it's quite daunting somehow she knows the key is there but will she pick it up or glare... Into a world of might and wonder has she found the soul

She's not begging for crumbs anymore...

It has taken time for her to see That the crumbs are really nothing close to what she seeks How can she plunder her self worth Constantly battling and fighting the darkest of dirt Are these obstacles here with great truth and meaning? Surely there's method here, as its so unappealing For her to find any other way That keep those stormy rain clouds a fair distance away As she kneels down to pray, for what? she's not sure For opening windows and bright coloured doors The path once before her was dark grey and grim now there's a sprinkling of light in the dim She's so grateful for everything that she walked past Her courage and patience is not easy to mask She's growing weary and is often quite teary Each day is a battle of emotions within Her tears fall for those who can't listen she fear rises higher of those who can't see What a terrible hopeless she sees all around The positive within her only acts as a cover

slamming doors

All the doors are slamming in my face The cold rain pelts on my back sliding down a muddy river no energy to fight back I'm terrified of what will happen as so much came undone at once. Finding positivity in the dark can be a very frustrating thing Many others have these struggles of that I am well aware fighting the demons in my heart as I try to swim up stream I won't cry over spill ed milk but the whole refrigerator is broken a number of things start piling up and I feel drunk on anxiety and discomfort. Everything will be just fine i rant over and over in my head but uncertain feelings stir inside plaguing me with dread Uncertainty and fear 

nightime reflection

In the dead of night all is still and quiet a surreal tranquillity from within My mind is racing but it is calm maybe the drum is not yet grim The eye's are watching a bubble of colour dancing around the cool Autumn night Under the great vastness of depth A glorious movement of peace, beauty and wonder My thoughts are surreal as they fall into place A strange familiarity crawling out of the dark A brief encounter of endless momentum A precious moment in time created to perfection The glare of the illuminated sorrow slowly transforming into boundless mystery an endless journey across time and space accuracy of stars, planets and energy A sudden grasp of terror within a split second of tremendous doubt A playful imagination or a magical gift Untold beauty evaporating before my eyes... Mystical forces in a chain of actions A bitterness for the cowardly stare the dawn begins with the random call of birds geckos dancing merrily ac

Upset with the truth

Upsetting the natural order? How dare you suggest I'm doing that! The natural order you are referring to is responsible for all this mess We need to stop 'saying' we need a change and continue to do f**k about it Protecting the environment is all very well but what do you miss with such intent and focus? The secret to life is balance Any other Librian will agree with me ;) Blind focus and fighting for only one cause is what's causing this mass travesty  Conflict arises when your goal is but one you wear blinders and can't see the others just to be clear, we don't need to fear But a true heart and open mind is needed Are you so blind to see,  that mistakes don't define It's the lessons you learn while you made them Pick your self up and brush of the dust Count your blessings and say how you feel It's the time to rise up from this zombie funk Don't let others say who they think you are Stand up

rising above fear

There was a beautiful garden decorated with lush ferns A tropical treasure of rain life and light Sprinkling down from the sky way above Filtered though tree tops, vines, plants and mud She walk through the forest of vibrant dense green Her heat beating strong as she gathered her thoughts This moment in time, her heart sings with joy The hope and possibilities of a new door awaiting A dark forceful cloud separate the sun from the earth She fell into darkness with the terror of lost hope Was the universe playing tricks on her Or is this it's big plan? An endless wander across barren sand Scared and confused about what she should say one moment it was beautiful, the next it was grey Time is standing still for her as she hopes for the positive outcome not a noose made of rope The cruel mind is wandering, poisoning her soul She needs to wake up and remember her home It takes all her mighty power to say just OK For now is a time, she wished

A tranquil moment

A quiet moment of peaceful thought as I hear a distant bird so far way from the business I feel so amazingly free It's hard to think with so much noise and drama everywhere Heightened sensor observing the rush It's great for some, but not for me I let my mind wander through a land where magic blesses all It's a land of adventure and great seeking The master game of all No sense of time but pure focus on tasks at hand we do adventures and crusades of kindness Shower down on vast meadows like dew Sometimes I wish that they could see The shimmering shadows of light Trying to grasp their attention But the others just keep walking through Mountains reaching up to the skies While birds fly across the view Oh how I wish they all could see it Magical pure and true. Right now I'm drawn to the blues and greens a tribute to mother nature always offering sanctuary to  a distressed heart and mind An angel flo

From hurt to light

I feel broken inside and the pain won't stop There's no secret command or trick that will work All I can do is try to escape from the pain but I'm running out of ideas, I feel I am to blame Blame me for what? I really don't know I am numbing a pain but I don't know its location I'm frustrated inside and I can't stop the emotions I can't pretend that its all going fine All I can do is just stick to my plan Hold on for dear life while I can still grip How long must I wait till I get my next break The one where I feel happy and I can relate Alone in the dark, its so hard to describe  I feel all around me, hoping for some light A light that will take me away from this place OH! That light sounds scary, let me rephrase... I'm not talking about the light from the sky the one that comes to you when you take your last breath As sad as I get, I can still face the day I just want to say its not always easy to play

Shadows of joy

The shadows are looming and blocking the light Under the full moon she paints into the night The power and energy of natures design Sleep is so very, far from her mind An emotional process as paint touches canvas Delightful rejoice as shades start to blend No need for the walls of Divine intervention I'm guided inside from the light that's within Sun beams of magic, bring hope through the day As nightfall descends the darkness conveys An illusion of fear and closed minded thought The opposite is truer, a life with great thought We don't need to question all the insignificant things Let your mind roam free so as to see new things Sometimes we are blind by was is so safe That we don't know it can be found all over the place. As we reflect on the small things we do, could we consider, trying something new we all need a break from the mind numbing task Stepping into the light and away from the dark Look how amazingly

the scariest thing

The scariest thing is the hardest to do so start with that one right there! You aren't really living if you keep playing it safe you are just walking through life in despair  There is no greater magic than the magic within Find it, and your passion, will truly begin Take simple steps each day no extravagant moves Put yourself out there and listen to your groove There's a giant shared energy that guides us to light But we need to be open and trust in ourselves You don't need to follow anything to be part of god's plan however, give into this idea and your life will be grand It's not about other people controlling your ways it's more about life and you believing you'll be OK We all have great power, laying dominate within Believe and have faith, what the miracle begin We are all connected to a far greater plan each one of us is important, so remember that daily Always be kind please stop judging the needy Who care

Loneliness is not an illusion

Stepping out can be difficult well it always is for all but some of us feel invisible If we are not there it makes no difference at all But is this an illusion? A trick on a fearful mind? I believe there's a lot more to it Did you really pay attention? last time they said "I'm fine"? Put yourself in a position one you find terrifying to you then imagine those feelings in someone you love Who is only trying to be true Loneliness is not an illusion  It comes from being alone when something hurts, there's no where to turn because we didn't follow the rules...  I believe the world is ever changing and not everyone fits into squares Some people want something totally different and its harder to get when its new As perspectives and truths are uncovered you can feel like a giant big ass Alone in the darkness broken and bruised Why does my boat only sail at half mast? I've had such a gifted existence p

free from the outside, focus within

Waking with a heavy heart  can be a daily occurrence  Opening my eyes, I want to cry The confusion is overwhelming  This morning I arose and told myself not to cry be happy It's a glorious day to be alive I made myself go out for a walk I picked up my trash bag and walked out of my door my shoulders back, my head held high and every step I took there after Things felt like less of a disaster But magic started to fill me as the warm sun heated my body I looked up at the beautiful sky everything just seemed to glisten A simple form of therapy getting out and feeling natures chemistry take the time to look around it's in abundance for all to give Raise your eye's from the ground don't be afraid to walk strong and proud No one can take your special magic It's yours to give freely its un tapped energy Our minds are stronger than we think the magic is out there for us to seek focus on your energy within and make your lif