
Showing posts from September, 2017

Disconnect and get connected

I edit so much of what I am thinking afraid of the judgement my true thoughts will receive I am starting to learn that I am not alone There are many more out there, just like me Tired and lonely because things aren't really right feeling a huge obligation to fake it all the time A true conversation or a pleasant exchange I really struggle to watch people rushing around No time for nothing, no time for a chat Unless you are in trouble, they will then have your back I can't help but consider the difference it would make if people made time, before its too late To take a moment and stop to contemplate Their valuable time isn't being used wisely Instead its all about money and social climbing Where is your kindness? compassion and love? These people are all good and its not their fault The filthy rich companies are controlling so much stuff The governments are failing but trying their best Everyone ones complain about this horrible

sadness wears a mask

I walked out of my house one day I was feeling very dark and grey I went about a mindless task Trying really hard to free my mind from the dark Then I came upon a lady We greeted each other but I could see clearly Her pain was as deep and as dark as mine She disguised it well but I could see through to her mind Every word that she spoke  made me well up with sympathising tears We connected emotionally right then in that moment We saw though the smile that is tiring to wear She needed no words to express her kind heart all that it took was her fear of the dark For me to see clearly her obvious pain To take time to stop and let her know its OK She never once uttered a word of emotions She told told me this world needs help with devotion We need more plants so we can breath This is how she feels, this is her legacy This all felt like a gift from a god that cares great A god that sees no boarders, religion or hate Our paths are so diff

Everything is turning to dust

Right now I feel like I just can't trust that everything I touch will just turn into dust. I've taken a hit by some body mean and the universe sent them back, asking for sympathy! The hardest thing about being rejected Is when the person who did it, is eaten with guilt after planting a knife in you they suddenly feel they'd like to apologise but it's not sincere  I feel like the blood in my body was drained I am running on empty and its hard to re strain I'm trying to resist those dark clouds looming so I reach out and get twice as chirpy This comes across wrong, I feel like a fraud Pretending to be happy after being thrown over board I have 2 feet and I know I'll pull through but sometimes a hug is a magical cure We all have our battles and need to fight but we also need some compassion in our lives People who listen and can see through a lie Building you up when you just need to cry Stop pretending its alright

Messy mind... feeling fuzzy

On a fine sunny day, I'd finally had enough! I was sick to death of my job and all the political stuff! So I held my head up high and took a leap of faith determined to make a difference welcoming great change I knew it wouldn't be easy The challenges were GREAT what choice did I have? I was heading towards a miserable fate! I shut everyone out and their systems and opinions I decided not only to rewrite myself also putting my attention to my surroundings What if I could change myself and others I can bring to the light? Everyday, they complain and its not all in vain Now I feel armed  with knowledge and practicality Life has taught me we all seek that light especially those in deep darkness We've been doing it all wrong helping those who already know how delightful human nature really is Should we turn our attention to those who WON'T listen and shower them with love kindness and devotion? Then maybe one day

Mountains and happiness

She could not see the sun that day Her body and mind, descending into decay She needs to breathe and count to ten And try to start her day again The darkness surrounds her feet If she allows, it will creep Up through her body and at a certain point She stops and listen to her inner voice It's only here she finds true comfort Others speaking just mixes up her thought She really needs her peaceful place Where she can be and feel safe It's not forever or till the end of time Its just for now, while she is building up her fine way of living deep in her passion Creative and happy and full of compassion She's climbed up mountains and over hills But she wasn't able to do that taking pills! She's changing her habits and her ways Feeling strength returning every day She's found her true path but it's taking time to adjust to all the massive changes in her life She didn't walk lightly, she went in full force

Ocean - Palm Oil spill & art

It was a sun shinning hot summers day She pondered the idea of artistic play, Yes, she thought! with no doubt in her mind Now was the time to walk out and be fine! As she stepped out onto the hot sandy beach her eyes noticed something that looked quite unique Large balls of snow just covered the sand plain with a lot more just floating like icebergs how... Strange! She walk up closer to inspect the weird stuff she wondered what it was and will it effect her rust? Her toe came in contact with that odd MUCK! The buttery feeling was wrong, gross and YUCK! She went into the ocean to change her sea water tiny white balls of this horrid butter like ______ Her efforts to avoid it,, were all in vain What the hell can clean this up? Certainly not rain! She heard the report of a palm oil spill, OH! that's what that stuff is! she heard herself shrill It was hard to remove without thick soap and water to it remains in this art as a gentle reminder

Reach seek within

Endangered is the mind of free thought As only few venture there one by one It's a hell of a process causing your body to fight Anxiety, stress and or depression are igniting a radical change Our bodies are shutting down revolting against a system they can't live in Some minds have let us down  but others seek truth and redemption Could they consider that Earth is our hell and we are all put here to evolve  Those who are ready, will pass into heaven For others are dammed on earth in their own personal shell My thoughts are a bit random All over the place, to much in on my mind I quietly seek a restful break  A secret moment where I switch it all off... I need my art, I need to create  a drawing or craft to distract me but I can only do that with a clear focused mind Achieving that only takes rest and good nourishment. An image I made a long time ago when I thought about life as a human The one you see here is recent but clea

Mind chains of thought

As black and dark as life's stormy times did bring She continued to fret about every single living thing Then one day after hours and hours the smog started to rise and the tree's danced with flowers. A magical twist after a terrifying blow Mind opens wide as the seeds start to sew The dawning of a reality once invented main stream A vast majority starting to live real life dreams As the impossible is shattered her heart entwines Opening up like a glorious butterfly She's not afraid and understands her faith Trusting in instinct and knowing there is a wait As the wind blew steadily, cool and carelessly A power from outside struck with great force Alive and awake how can she know it is real? Faith comes in handy when her mind starts to feel. Stepping out free and into the vast empty space She's feeling comfort, inner peace, passion and grace There aren't any limits in her train of thought She is open and willing to go and explore How did sh

Down the rabbit hole and into the light

Down the rabbit hole thy went Left alone with nowhere to vent Trapped in a circle of fear mixed with hope Fighting the feeling of a necklace of rope One little voice out there in the dark one small gesture and the light does spark! It's really not impossible I confess To be there for someone not judging their mess It takes a great light to extinguish the ghosts Those possessing it are fabulous hosts Giving their ears as their eyes have seen It's possible to be happy and have your dream! The pain can be hard it can drain you of life but every great thing takes a battle with strife Nothing in life is easy for all Sometimes others do to much then fall To have faith is a rare gift in others You can't quantify it dear sisters and brothers We are not alone on this tiny earth there's a power among us and it's giving birth In this time of great horror I must believe this is all part of a plan to set people free Everyone

Beware the sea monster

My heart is soaring across the ocean To lands that seem so far away My mind is alive as I try to survive all the distance and oceans between us I feel so far away on this warm humid day As I go for a swim in the sea I look out over the sand and from where I stand I see shark net repairs all around! My worries dissolve into somewhere away WHAT"S THAT??? SOMETHING JUST BIT ME! I joke you not! claws grabbed my foot and attempted to drag me down under As I spring into life I feel foolish in spite! Of the fact that a sea monster just bit me Anyone else in my bare feet would certainly SHRIEK! Crying for someone to help them As I gather myself and still my rushed beat I quietly smile to myself! There's nothing to fear, no need for tears Just be safe and beware where you swim! Out there in the ocean is where I once swam now I sit here and sketch what I see This image isn't clear or very near but its working ou

Rust in time

Everything is in motion The liquidity of pure emotion Determined by a dream like state As we explore outer notions. Peace of mind is what one seeks however simple that may seem to some it is a difficult task Un leashing feelings from the past Staring down a truthful barrel Suddenly you feel those shadows Pushing you to accept yourself At last you find some peace of mind It's not for anyone to judge Because no one really knows enough Deep within our guarded hearts Rusted shut through lack of trust There is sorrow and there is pain but there's also vanity and fame Fake news and questionable values Where can one turn to seek their morals Round and round they all seem to go Trapped in purgatory but they can't know It's here on earth that's is the main show! Just have faith in the true Divine No one left you here to rot We all have our missions & we're part of the plot Trust your instinct and look within For there

Anxiety is more than just...

Anxiety is more than just a reaction to a situation I believe its goes much deeper and we can get past by causing treason Trespassing on un  common grounds and finding real true meaning Blocking out the gossipy debates and you'll see a greater picture Humanity as a whole is now in an interesting position.. It's not about choosing sides, or proving certain religions It's about having faith in yourself to get through all the seasons Everything is scream that... why do we continue to not listen? The mind afflicted with deep uncertainty is no accident at all We are plunging towards a massive failure that could wipe us out! Stop and listen, pay attention... it can be seen in every place on earth When you follow your own true self... you will have nothing to fear at all. We are all told that anxiety can be fixed with pills or worse! But I think more people need to show compassion so we can rid the earth of all this hate and anger that comes from

OUCH it hurts!

There was a day a while ago, I took out the key that unlocks my heart, instead of support, I felt I received Harsh judgement, cruelness and laughter... It shock my soul and tore me up like nothing I could ever imagine My world was turned, upside down A part of me, the stronger part, crumbled to the ground. When I reached out for help There was non around to be found... I looked everywhere I could think The feelings were dark and heavy, it all just made me sink. I visited the great depths of the oceans and felt the heat of a fiery hell a rare few glimpses of perfection A roller coaster through my life of everlasting infection When your faith is strong you have nothing to fear but you must walk your path in life Don't let anyone distract you, kids, husband or wife.. We all must find out own 2 feet Of that I'm 100% certain! For finding yourself makes everything else So much easier for others to flourish and thrive... Don